

Hello my fellow discussers. It is so good to see everyone back at the table(virtually). Man oh man I feel as if I tell you the same thing over and over again, but I never change. I told you I was slowing down to get back to the table more often and then I pick up another project. Then I come back to the table and start having conversation just to be absent again for personal aspirations. I mean at least I’m busy right? Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever been doing something you really enjoyed doing and then the following year you spend less time on it because you’re too focused on some other things?

I feel like I always start something and I don’t finish it. Not in all things just in some. I have these great ideas floating in my head, but not really realizing the time and energy that it takes to bring it to fruition. I’m telling you I have a big entrepreneurial spirit, but it takes a lot of time and energy to make your own business successful. My blog started off very strong and popping. I had started becoming internationally known, but as life goes because I didn’t make writing and blogging my full time job I had to focus on my bread and butter. This meant that sometimes my writing had to take a backseat to my job. I also started new projects such as my book, coming to online store near you, as well as my writing company. So many things took up most if not all of my time and my blog suffered. Did I also forget to mention I’m a wife and mother of eight (five that are home). Not anymore! I have decided to be proactive and prioritize by make everything I touch successful. From my publishing company, to my writing company, to my blog it will be successful and no longer neglected.

What about you? Now don’t everyone talk at once, but if you look back over your life or even at a current project you are on now; are you putting as much time and energy into your own ideas as you could? Are you focusing more on someone else’s success than your own? I’m not saying quit your job or don’t give it your best (because you can’t come live with me), but are you truly trying to be successful? That’s the bottom line, right? To be successful!

I don’t know maybe this just works for me and you’re happy with where your at or what your doing. However, if you’re questioning things as you read this than maybe just maybe you need to be proactive and prioritize as well. Let me know your story. Remember keep it respectful and see you at the next discussion.