
A Year of Reflection

Hello my fellow discussers, man it is good to see everyone back at the table (virtually). I know what you’re already thinking didn’t you just right a post a couple of months ago about being back? Yes I did, but when I say what a whirlwind of a life I have been having, I mean it’s been a whirlwind. So let’s try to catch up on some life events as well as reflect on this year. You might think it’s early, but it’s never too early to reflect on the time you’ve had especially because tomorrow is not promised.

Anyway, what a year. So much has happened not from just the time I wrote my “I’m Back” blog, but since January of 2018. Let me tell you something when I say the enemy is busy and will try anything to knock you off the course, I mean it. Personally my family and I have had our faith, love and happiness tried on so many levels by the enemy, people and life in general. I thank God on so much for being a constant source in my life. Now if you don’t believe in God, no judgment here, but don’t throw shade this way because I do and he has shown up many times. Now this post isn’t about whether or not you believe in God leave that for another day and another blog. This is about reflecting on what you have gone through this year both good and bad.

Have I had some bad days, weeks and months…yes, but trust me when I say my good outweighs my bad, so I won’t complain. Hmm, is that a song? Do you need to know the bad, no not really, I’m here to have positive reflection. However, I don’t want to minimize it either. Truth is if it hadn’t been for the negative things I wouldn’t have grown as a mother, wife, friend and writer. So what are some good things, well I finally got that Master’s Degree. Clap your hands everybody! I don’t know how anyone goes for a PH D. after a Master’s. Moved into a beautiful new home and bought another new car. Why do I say another one because just last year I bought one too? My children are doing well and are healthy. My husband is doing well and is healthy and I am too. So overall what a great life. Oh did I forget that I’m putting the final touches on the book. I know you’ve been waiting, but I told you it’s been a busy year ok.

Well enough about me, I want to hear from you all. What has your life been like? Have you sat back and reflected on your year (2018)? Has your positives outweighed your negatives? Let us know and remember to keep it respectful. See you at the next discussion!